The 23rd Conference « Theories and Methods in Macroeconomics » (T2M) will take place on March 22nd and 23nd 2019 in Nuremberg (Germany) at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB).
This conference contains parallel and plenary sessions. Participants are expected to prepare a 5 minutes discussion on another paper within their session. For the T2M 2019 conference, the program committee has selected special sessions organized by leading researchers in these fields:
“Expectations in macroeconomics” by Ruediger Bachmann (University of Notre Dame)
“Safe assets and the macroeconomy” by Kenza Benhima (Université de Lausanne)
“Job matching: New evidence from firm recruitment data” by Carlos Carrillo-Tudela (University of Essex)
“IAB data and macro applications” by Britta Gehrke (IAB & FAU)
“Real exchange rate dynamics” by Gernot Müller (University of Tübingen)
How to submit your paper?
Create an account on this website (click on the arrow on the right of the login button) to start the submission and then upload your full paper (make sure that cookies are enabled in your browser). Warning: several logins may be associated to the same email address.
Important dates
Submission period: September 10th to November 4th, 2018
Contributors will be notified by: December 21th, 2018
Registration deadline: January 11th, 2019
Conference schedule
The conference starts at 9.15 am (registration opens at 8.30 am) on Friday, 22nd and ends at 4.30 pm on Saturday, 23rd.
Organization of session
The speaker has 20 minutes, the discussant 5 minutes and the remaining 5 minutes are for questions from the floor.
Poster session
The size of the poster should be A0 in portrait. As an example, see the following LaTeX package.
Conference venue
Institute for Employment Research (IAB) of the German Federal Employment
Agency (BA)
Regensburger Straße 100
90478 Nuremberg
The website for registration is:
Conference dinner participation
The conference dinner will take place on Friday, March 22nd at the historic city hall in Nuremberg. Please note that the dinner is dedicated to the speakers/poster presenters of the T2M Conference and the organizing committee. For other participants and/or partners that are interested to attend, please contact Nadja Ipfelkofer (
Fabien Tripier (Chair of the scientific committee of T2M, Université Paris-Saclay & CEPII)
Britta Gehrke (IAB & FAU), Brigitte Hochmuth (FAU), Christian Merkl (FAU)
T2M also acknowledges the financial support of